Our Sustainability Mindset in Action
We strive to responsibly steward the environment. As part of our sustainability mindset, we integrate environmental considerations into every step of our decision-making process. Creating lasting benefits and protecting the environment is intertwined with our support of the communities where we live and operate. We operate with an eye toward protecting our land, water, and air. We prioritize environmental considerations as we plan our production, facilities, processes, and growth. We adhere to environmental laws and regulations while also striving to reduce emissions and waste. Continuous pursuit of improvement is a key marker of our operations and success as an organization.
As part of Par Pacific’s commitment to sustainability and managing climate-related air risks, we continue to evaluate and refine our established business processes. These processes reduce our emissions and mitigate current and future energy transition risks to our business.
Fresh water is a critical natural resource for our everyday life. Stewarding this valuable resource involves responsible sourcing, conservation, reuse, recycling and suitable disposal.
We strive to be good stewards by mitigating our environmental impact and promoting biodiversity.

Energy Star Ratings for Tacoma and Newcastle
Par Pacific prides itself on efficient operations. In 2023, two of our refineries were honored for being among the most energy-efficient in the country. U.S. Oil & Refining Company in Tacoma, Washington and Wyoming Refining Co. in Newcastle, Wyoming earned the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification. The certification signifies that the plants perform in the top 25 percent of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency. It also means both businesses met strict energy efficiency performance levels set by the EPA.